
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Beginnings

I always enjoy a new year because it is a time of new beginnings.  Christianity is uniquely about new beginnings.  The Bible begins with a story about "beginnings" pointing out that God is the great originator; He is the prime mover, the primal cause of everything that exists (Genesis 1).  He speaks and life comes into existence out of nothing.

The New Testament also points to a God who is the author of new beginnings.  2 Corinthians promises a fresh start for anyone willing to follow Christ Jesus and experience the life changing power of His presence.  2 Corinthians 5:17 reads, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!"

What area of your life needs a new beginning?  Are you looking for a new career, better relationships, better parenting, or a change in your financial picture?  Let God begin a new work in you in 2011.  When we turn to God, a fresh start is a real possibility.  Happy New Year.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve and the New Year

Really lookin' forward to tonight's Christmas Eve Service at the Holiday Inn starting at 6 PM.  My kids are home enjoying the snow and I'm thankful it's not ice.  Join us tonight with your family.  The kids love the candle light part of the service.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Peace and Christmas!

main1.jpgIt's almost Christmas!  Here a short list of the things I like about Christmas--the special music, time with family, candy canes, Christmas eve service, and all the stress.  Just kiddy on the last.  Stress is a big part of Christmas for a lot of people.  In fact, it is not uncommon for people to just want to get it over with.  This year, I want to encourage you to get past the stress of the Christmas season by focusing on the real reason for the season -- Jesus!

Jesus came for many reasons, but perhaps the most important is "reconciliation". Only JEsus can give us peace in our homes and peace in our world!  Merry Christmas! Pastor tom

Here is a link to "tell a friend" about the New Life Christmas Eve service

Monday, December 13, 2010

Prayer, Wisdom, and Grace

This week we wrap up our series on Colossians as we prepare for Christmas.  December 26th, we will share in a special message about the meaning of Christmas.

In Colossians Paul has remained focused on the supremacy of Christ in the universe, the church, and every area of our lives.  As he closes his letter to the Colossians he offers some words on prayer, wisdom, and grace.  He encourages us to devote ourselves to prayer.  Prayer is our pathway to God.  The more we talk with God; the more we walk with God.  I want to encourage you to take time individually and as a family to pray and to worship this Christmas season.  Join us Sunday as we look into the value of prayer, wisdom, and grace.  Pastor Tom

Friday, December 10, 2010

Destiny 2011

Looking forward to Destiny 2011.  That's our theme for January 2011.  We kick off the year with an emphasis on prayer.  A lot of people live life in neutral or "default", I believe God wants us to live life leaning towards our destiny.

What's your destiny?  Join us @ the ARC (10:15 AM) on Sundays in January as we discover God's plans and purpose for our lives.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas at New Life

Looking forward to Christmas this year at New Life!  I hope you will join us for each Sunday in December as well as our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at the Holiday Inn Executive Center.  See you at the gathering!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


We all love a good mystery.  Remember the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and his trusted sidekick Dr. Watson?  The originator of the stories about Sherlock and Holmes was Dr. Conan Doyle in 1887.  His stories are still popular today.  There is just something about a mystery that keeps us "coming back for more".

Maybe that is why God in his wisdom gave us the "mystery" of the gospel.   Not to keep us guessing, but to keep us searching fro Him and His plan.   Paul tells us in the New Testament that in Christ we have received the fullness of God's plan (Colossians 2:9).  On a number of occasions, Paul referred to the gospel story of Christ Jesus as a "mystery".  The gospel is a mystery because God didn't give us the whole story at the beginning of time and it is not easy to comprehend that God is not only for us and with us, but he is in us!  Christ in us is God's ultimate mysterious plan!

That truth alone is what Paul declares in his letter to the Colossians.  Christ is the capstone to God's plan in human history.  In Christ we have everything we need to live a full and wonderful life.  Join us Sunday as we explore more about Christ' Supremacy and our faith to follow.  See You @ the ARC. Pastor Tom

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What is supreme in your life?

Remember the Gladiator Movie starring Russell Crowe as Maximus?  At a pivotal point in the movie, he utters, "What We Do In Life Echoes In Eternity.” (Maximus Decimus Meridius, The Gladiator)  How true for you and me as well.  C.T. Studd, missionary to China and part of the Cambridge Seven said something of greater importance when he said, "One life to live, twill soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last."

We too often forget that life is fleeting and that this life is really just preparation for the life to come.  What's of supreme importance in your life?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Does Christ have first place?

The Psalmist wrote, "When You said, Seek My face, my heart said to You, Your face, Lord, I will seek." (Psalm 27:8).  God wants to be first place in your life, not just have a place.  The church in Ephesus was rebuked in Revelation with the words, “. . .You have forsaken your first love.” (Revelation 2:4)  Unfortunately, the church in America is a lot like the church in Ephesus.  We are quick to give God a place in our lives, but does he occupy the first place in our hearts?

Throughout Paul's letter to the Colossians, Christ is presented as supreme over all else.  IG Christ Jesus is supreme in our lives we will seek him with all our hearts.  See you Sunday @ the ARC as we seek our Savior (10:15 AM).

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Supremacy of Christ

At the same time our nation is at a crossroads, so is American Christianity.  As American Christians, are we simply Christian by tradition and convenience or do we possess a Christianity that is transforming our lives and communities???  I am deeply troubled by religious trends in America today.  Increasingly Americans are avoiding church participation and choosing other philosophies to guide them.  Those who do claim to be Christians often do not read the Bible, and do not know what they believe or how it differs from other religions or world views.  Worse, many Christians claim no on-going, daily life-changing relationship with Christ Jesus.  We need to re-visit what exactly transformed the lives of 1st century Christians.

This week at New Life we kick off a new series entitled, "The Supremacy of Christ" focusing on Paul's letter to the Colossians.  Central to Paul's letter is the sufficiency and supremacy of Christ.  His letter is full of rich vocabulary demonstrating the supremacy of Christ in our lives as Christians.  I hope you will join us @ the ARC on Sundays as we grow in the richness of Christ Jesus.  See you @ the ARC on Sunday at 10:15 AM.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Creating God-First Culture - Stewardship

This Sunday we wrap up our series, "Creating God-First Culture".  I hope you have enjoyed it.  I know it has helped me re-focus my life around Matthew 6:33.  Here's a few thoughts for Sunday on Christian Stewardship.

Time, talent, and treasure are three of our most precious assets.  How we manage them is what we call stewardship.  Stewardship carries with it the idea they we really don’t own anything.  Everything we possess is owned by God; we are simply entrusted to manage what God has given us.  

Creating a God-first culture in your heart and mind requires that you become a spiritually disciplined Christian and that you live a life worthy for others to emulate.  Stewardship and spiritual discipline are connected.  Let me share two scriptures with you connected to this concept.  1 Timothy 4:8 and 1 Corinthians 11:1.  See you Sunday @ the ARC at 10:15 AM.

New Series coming to NLCC

Colossians: The Supremacy of Christ is coming to New Life on Sunday, October 31st.  I hope you will join us as we take a look back into the first century and Paul's letter to the believers in Colosse.

I was planning to title this series "The Greatness of Christ", but supremacy seemed to fit the context of Colossians a lot better.  Jesus isn't just great, he is the supreme ruler of the universe and also your savior. See you @ the ARC at 10:15 AM.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Stepping up

I hope you enjoyed this past weekend at the New Life gathering.  I was really pumped by the message on Psalm 1.  The Bible is always encouraging us to step higher and live a "God-first" kind-of-life as a Christ-follower.  Let me encourage you this week to delight in the Lord by picking a book of the Bible and reading it through in one setting.  You might want to pick one of Paul's letters in the New Testament.  Mark's gospel would also be a good place to start. Take a few notes and see what principles of grace, beauty, or truth can be applied to your life.

Creating a God-first culture is counter culture in many ways.  We can't follow the natural tendencies of our human condition or modern culture and expect to live the blessed life God has provided for us in Christ.  We have to step up into God's grace and step out of those disobedient situations in our life that keep us from God's best.

I'm praying for you as you step up.  See you Sunday! Pastor Tom

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Devotion and the Bible

This week we continue our God-First series with a message focused on devotion and the Bible.  The Bible is an incredible book impacting lives wherever it is printed, preached, or read.  The Bible contains both the principles and promises of God and encourages us to pursue his presence.  Join us Sunday as we take a look at what it means to be devoted to God by pursuing the principles and promises contained in the Bible.
See you Sunday @ the ARC 10:15 AM.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


This Friday begins our BOOK CLUB.  Each Friday over the next 10 weeks we are going to take a look at Wayne Grudem's "Business for the Glory of God".  Plus we get to enjoy some great fellowship.  Join me at the church office from 11:45-1:00PM on Fridays.  We will begin the discussion as closely to 12 Noon as possible.  Bring your own lunch.  See you there. Pastor Tom

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

God First

Looking forward to this weekend's kickoff of the "Creating a God-First Culture" Series.  I hope you will join us and bring a friend or two.  In fact, feel free to pass this blog around to friends.

We are basing the series on Matthew 6:33 where Jesus encourages us to Seek first the kingdom of heaven".  Our main question throughout the series will be "what does a 'God-First Culture' look like in our lives today?"  I'm sure you have some ideas, so I'd be interested to hear from you.

Here's some thoughts to get the discussion going.  First, let me hasten to say that a God-First culture is very much counter-culture.  We live in a Me-First culture, so as we think through what a God-First culture looks like, we also need to think about how it relates to the larger culture in which we live.  Here's my short version of a God-First culture: "Loving God and loving others more than you love yourself" (Matthew 22:37-39)

Matthew 6:33 is not the first place where we learn that God wants our list of priorities to pale in comparison to Him.  The first of ten commandments in the Old Testament declares, You shall have no other Gods before me." (Exodus 20:3)  In the same context, we learn that God is a "jealous God" (20:5).  He wants our undivided attention.  And yet, we live in a world and culture in which 'competing gods' cry out for our attention.  Everywhere in culture today, we are told to heap upon ourselves pleasure and happiness -- "me-first" is the accepted, but empty slogan of our day!

Here is a short list of the many 'gods' which cry out for your time, talent, and treasure--sports, school, success, friends, and carnal pleasures.  Many of these potential "idols" are actually good things.  So living a God-first culture is sometimes more about having the right priorities.  Other times we have to remove those things which are downright destructive to our lives.

Join us sunday as we continue the discussion.  See you @ the ARC, Sunday 10:15 AM. Pastor Tom

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

God-First Culture

Great news.  We are kicking off a new series entitled, "Creating God-First Culture".  Ever wonder why you have more month than money in your life?  OR why you are the busiest person alive, but seem to get less and less done these days?

Join us this fall as we consider ways to create a God-First culture and change our hearts, lives, and families in the process.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

King David - Man After God's Own Heart

This week we wrap up our series - Choices: Where is Life Leading You?  Life is tough!  And all of us have made some pretty rotten decisions along the way.  The sad truth is that the more bad decisions we make, the easier it becomes to justify our bad decisions and add more to them.  That's what makes King David's story so valuable.  David's story teaches us to live to please God, to repent and turn back to God when we loose our way, and to "brace ourselves" for the consequences of our own poor choices.

Most of us remember David from the story of David and Goliath.  But David wasn't immune from sinful choices.  Although David was a mighty warrior and a spiritual poet, He was far from perfect.  And his failures weren't small ones.  When David messed up, he messed up royally.

But something stands out about David; it was his heart.  David's heart was always turning towards God.  Unlike King Saul, David was more concerned about pleasing God than pleasing people.  He was more concerned about God's will, than his own will.  Psalm 51 reveals the sadness of David's heart as he deals with his own grievous sins and repentance.  David wasn't perfect, but his heart was perfect toward the Lord.  That's the only reason that the Kingdom was taken from Saul and given to David.  David was a man after God's own heart.  Join us Sunday as we look deeper at the life of David and determine to live to please God.  See you @ the ARC (10:15 AM).

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Saul - The Consequences of Pride

DL Moody once penned, "Be humble or you will stumble."  Most of you have heard the story of Saul.  He was the first king of Israel . . . and he was "tall, dark, and handsome."  What most don't know is that Saul started out as a humble "tall, dark, and handsome" kind-a-guy.  He was so humble that he hid from sight on the day of his announcement as king.  But, his insecurities and over-confidence led to the sin of pride.

Saul's great sin wasn't murder or adultery, it was pride.  And pride led to disobedience.  Saul's disobedience led God to reject him as the king of Israel.  So how important is obedience?  

Jesus told a story about two houses with two very different foundations.  Take a look in Luke 6.  Obedience is the difference between building a house that can stand the storms of life and one that will certainly fail.  Saul's house fell, not because his sins were lessor or greater than yours or mine, but because he refused to obey God and cared more for the praises of people, than the favor of God.  

Obedience to God's principles of truth is important.  It's the difference between success and failure.  See you Sunday as we take a deeper look into the Life of King Saul.  Pastor Tom

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Josiah - king of Courage

You might not have heard of Josiah.  He is a little known king of Israel.  You can read of his story in 2 Chronicles 34.  What's remarkable about his story is that he choice to "swim upstream" and serve the Lord.  His grandfather was a failure.  His father was a mess spiritually.  But somehow,  Josiah chose to follow the Lord.

Josiah's story reminds us that we don't need good role models or perfect circumstances to do what's right.  We just need the heart of a lion-the heart of courage.  Josiah became king at the ripe old age of eight.  When he was sixteen, the Bible says he began to seek the Lord.  That's a great start for such a young king.

Whatever your age, I want to encourage you this week to choose to be courageous.  Swim upstream as you serve the Lord.

See you Sunday!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Samson - Strength and Sadness

Warning!  Sometimes the Bible gives us some pretty sad stories and this is the case with Samson.  But . . . It's a good thing the Bible doesn't skip over the real life situations that even heroes of faith found themselves in (and yes, Samson is listed in the faith chapter as a hero of faith, Hebrews 11:32).

When I first heard Samson's story as a boy, he seemed like a giant of a man with no weaknesses.  But like superman he had his kryptonite.  Turns out, Samson was a "he-man with a she-weakness".  Samson has a problem with carnality.  We have a similar problem today.

I want to say a word about just one element of Samson's story -- the deception of sin.  I know we are not altogether comfortable with that word - sin.  The Bible calls any attitude or action, which does not line up with God's nature, his principles of truth, or his will for our lives, sin.  The Greek word for sin, hamartia, helps us understand what the Bible is getting at.  Sin is missing the mark; falling short of God's best!  So . . . let's admit it - we do this everyday, in small ways and sometimes big ways.  We sin.

My question is this - What impact does that sin (call it a bad decision) have upon us if it is unforgiven and never "corrected"?  The Bible seems to suggest that sin left unchecked in our lives not only produces a barrier between us and God (Romans 6:23), it blinds us spiritually, so that bad seems good and wrong seems right.

This was the case with Samson.  Even as he lay with Delilah he knew she was trying to trick him, but he told her the secret of his strength anyways.  How blind could he be???  His carnal descent from God's blessings and presence in his life had left him spiritually blind.  In the end, spiritual blindness produced physical blindness as well.

There is a good side to this story and I hope you will join us Sunday as we work our way through Samson's strength and sadness.  But for now let us receive and important warning.  There is great sadness, grief, complication, and brokenness with sin.  Sin doesn't confront us; it sneaks up on us and like "the frog in the kettle" we are cooked before we know it.

Be careful out there.  Pastor Tom

Monday, August 16, 2010

Joshua - Choosing Courage

Just wrapped up the Joshua story.  Most of us are familiar with the Joshua 24:15 verse - "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  Joshua is remembered as a courageous soul who followed Moses as leader of Israel and led the people in the conquest of the promised land.

What you may not know is how Joshua became a person of courage.  There is an obscure story about Moses and Joshua back in Exodus 33.  In those days Moses was in the custom of setting up a "tent of meeting" as a place for people to inquire of the Lord.  Moses would also enter the tent to talk with God.  Exodus 33 records how Joshua remained inside the tent even after Moses left.  Joshua wanted to seek the Lord.  That's where Joshua's courage began - with a desire to seek the Lord.

Later in Joshua's story we see him giving a "good report" as he looks on God's promise with eyes of faith.  (Numbers 13-14).   As a new leader, the Lord encouraged him three times with the words, "Be strong and courageous."  (Joshua 1:1-9)  But where could Joshua find such courage?

For Joshua, courage began with a decision - a decision to seek the Lord.  What's your source of strength?  where do you turn when you are weak?  I hope you will turn to the Lord.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Story of Joseph and Choices

jedi-master-yoda.jpg"Do, or do not. There is no 'try.'" Jedi Master Yoda 
Choices are very important; call it intuition, wisdom, or character.  But successful people make decisions quickly and then are slow to change them.  I call that consistency or longevity.  Think about the story of Joseph.  God had a plan and Joseph had a dream.  But the path to the destination was through the pains of hatred, slavery, and prison.  And don't kid yourself, Joseph didn't find any of this easy.  In the final chapters of his story we learn of his grief and great emotion at the re-appearance of his brothers.  Joseph's journey through troubled waters was difficulty, but he weathered the storm with his trust in God and his attitude of faithfulness.  
So what about you?  Are you willing to trust God regardless of your circumstances?  Join us Sunday as we consider Joseph's story and how it applies to our lives today.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Choices:Where is Life Leading You?

When I say Adam and Eve, what do you think of?  Paradise, the garden of Eden, the fall, original sin?  The first story in the Bible teaches us many things about God and humanity.    Here's a short list - God is good and we are created in his image.  God desires to bless us and he has given us rule over the earth and the opportunity to be fruitful.  One thing we shouldn't miss in the original story about Adam and Eve is that God has given us free will.  We choose and our choices matter.  Decisions determine our destiny.

For the more philosophical among us, man's moral free agency and God's sovereign choosing seem like opposing forces, but in reality they are more like two sides to the same coin.  Remember, we are reflections of God himself.  Just as God chooses, so too do we have the opportunity to choose our direction in life.  We may never know exactly how God's sovereignty and our choosing work together.  What we do know is that life is full of choices that have eternal importance.

When Adam and Eve chose, we all felt the shockwaves.  When they fell, we were tripped up as well.  This reality highlights just one aspect of "choice": Our choices have a ripple effect on the lives of others.  The choices you and I make will surely impact our future and possibly even alter the future of our children, grandchildren, friends, or neighbors.  Remember the movie, "It's a Wonderful Life."  that's the message of the movie.  Your life; your choices, impact the lives of others.

I wonder if we can learn from the mistakes of others and make better choices than Adam and Eve?  I wonder?

Water baptism coming soon

I love water baptism time at New Life!  This year, we are planning a back to school baptism sometime in September.  Stay tuned for more info.  If you are interested in water baptism or just learning about it.  Go to the web page and take a look at the media page.  Feel free to also give us a call at 443-LIFE.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Choices:Where is Life Leading You?

Can't wait for August!  Sunday, August 1st we kick off a new series called "Choices".  It has been said that the gates of history turns on small hinges, and so do people's lives.  The choices we make determine our destiny.  Throughout the series we will take a look at various Bible characters who made good choices and bad and hopefully we will experience personal spiritual growth as we learn about the importance of our decisions.   Can't wait!  Tell and friend and choose to be present!

Decisions determine destiny.  Pastor Tom  

Branded The Series

Well this is it.  This Sunday is the 6th and last week of the Branded Series.  I hope you have enjoyed it.  We began talking about the importance of "riding for the brand" in the old west.  We will wrap things up with a message about transformation and "Riding for the King's ranch".  Every ranch had a trail boss and you didn't cross him if you wanted to keep your job or even your life.  On the trail he was "god".

Every kingdom has a king and it's no different in the Christian faith.  Jesus is the king of the kingdom; he is the trail boss.  If we want to experience everything God has in store for us as we "ride for the king" we have to commit ourselves to transformation.

I hope you will join us Sunday as we wrap up the series.  See you at the ARC.  Pastor Tom

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

family matters most

Just a few thoughts on marriage and relationships.  I'm going to lead a small group this fall on Five Signs of a Functional Family.  The very first sign is the attitude of service.  Marriage is touch because you have two different people with a different set of expectations, communication skills, and family backgrounds.  All of that can drain the life out of a relationship, especially if you aren't intensional about building up your marriage.

So what's the answer?  Well, one part of the answer is the "attitude of service".  Everyone enjoys being served.  So if you can decide to focus on serving your spouse rather than focusing on your pain and unfulfilled expectation, you might just melt your spouse's heart.

Here's the key.  You need God's help to find the strength to serve.  I've met very few people who just naturally serve others, especially in marriage.  You need to find a source of humility; a source of strength.  For me that's Christ Jesus.  Give service a try in your home.  Don't wait for your spouse to serve,  You start.

Friday, July 16, 2010

fishing is refreshing

Fishing is almost always refreshing for me.   It's an opportunity to get away and spend some time outdoors. I'm trying to teach my youngest son the value of persistence.   It's amazing how one good catch can turn a boy into a life-long fisherman.  I wonder what methods God uses to teach us persistence?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Second Chance Cowboy

This week we continue the Branded series with a central message of Christianity.  Christians are marked by love and forgiveness flowing from God's grace into our hearts and outward to others.  Second Chance Cowboy emphasizes God's forgiving nature.  We all fall down.  But how do we get back up?  Join us Sunday as we look at love, grace, and forgiveness.  See you @ the ARC

Cowboy up

This past week at New Life we focused on holiness.  In the Old West, cowboys were often encouraged to "cowboy up" when faced with overwhelming challenges.  One of the greatest challenges we face in our Christian journey is the 'mark of holiness'.  The good news is that God not only calls us to holiness but he empowers us by the Spirit to live up to the calling.  To be a Christian is to be holy.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I Love America Festival a great success

Wow . . . What a day!  Thanks to everyone who came out for the I Love America Festival in Columbia.  We have a great crowd and the kids had a blast.  I never did really make it over to the BBQ grill.  So next year I might have to join the grill team.

Thanks again for a great day.  I hope you enjoyed it and will make plans to participate next year.  We live in a great country.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Love America is here!

Taking a break form the Branded Series this week for the I Love America Festival.  This Sunday is July 4th, so we are gearing up for the 4th of July at the Boone County Fairgrounds.  We are holding our Sunday morning outdoors at the fairgrounds at 10:15 AM.  PAstor Aaron our summer intern will present the message.  Plus Lindley Creek Bluegrass and the Trinity Drama Team will provide special ministry.  Everything starts at 10:30 at the fairgrounds under the main outdoor pavilion.  So don't come to the ARC expecting a Sunday gathering.  Join us at the fairgrounds.  See you Sunday.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Open Range

Last week we kicked off the new series, "Branded" with the title, "The Round up".  Without a doubt, God is "rounding us up" for his purposes and calling us to step up and live higher!  What is God calling you to be or do for Him?  whatever it is I want to encourage you to go for it.  Life is such an adventure when we live with God's purpose for our lives.

This week the series continues with the title, "The Open Range".  For the cowboys of the old west, the open range meant freedom, adventure, and greener pastures.  Fencing and overgrazing eventually brought an end to those days, but the open range can still speak to us about our spiritual journey today.

If you're wearing the Christian brand, then you probably know what it feels like to hit the trail or launch out to discover the open range.  For a Christian the open range symbolizes three important ingredients to the Christ life.

First the open range symbolizes the adventure of your journey with God.  Following Christ is no picnic; it's an adventure into unknown territory.  It requires both courage and faith.  I love the old John Wayne quote on courage "Courage is being scared to death--and saddling up anyway."  Without courage you won't change or even move in God's direction for your life.

Second, the open range symbolizes "freedom".  Cowboys loved the freedom of the open range.  Good news--you are free to serve God however he leads you.  there is no church hierarchy bossing you around telling you what to do.  There is only the Spirit of God leading you to freely love, give, serve, and grow!

The third ingredient is greener pastures.  For most people, "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."  That's only true because they settled down and fenced themselves in (spiritually speaking).  god wants you to follow him into the green pastures of the open range.  That means we need to be willing to follow him whenever and wherever he leads us.  Are you living in green pastures?  If not, why?  God wants to bless you and provide for your every need.

Join us Sunday as we talk about the open range and what it means to be branded by the Spirit.  See you Sunday @ the ARC.  Pastor Tom

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Round Up

Really pumped about our series "Branded: Whose Brand are You Wearing?"  This week's message is titled "The Round Up".  I really believe one of the biggest problems with Christianity in America today is that Christians aren't sure they want to be Christian, and if we do, we're not always sure what that means.

This week we're taking a look at the idea that Christians have been "Branded by the call".  We have been marked by the call of Christ in our lives.  Just take a look at Mark 3:13-15.  This passage tells us a lot about what it means to be a Christian.  We are called to "be with Jesus", to follow him; to build an intimate relationship with him that can literally change our world.  That's our number one priority.  If you're not focused on your relationship with Christ and growing to be more like him, then I would question the direction of your Christian journey.  Christ calls us to follow him and that call certainly marks each of us.

Christ also calls us to impact the lives of others.  "Come and follow me and I will make you fishers of men." (Mark 1:17)  Following Christ implies "life-change".  As we follow him, we are transformed into willing servants in the kingdom of God.   Jesus had a plan and a purpose for his followers.  They were marked by His call in their lives.  If Christ has called you, you are forever marked by him.  You are branded by the call.

Join us Sunday as we take a look at the "Round Up" which God has in store for each of us.  Tom Ragsdell

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Father's Day at New Life

imgres.jpgFather's Day coming soon.  Join us for a great Father's Day weekend, June 19th and 20th.  We are planning a breakfast, a fishing tournament, and a picnic for the whole family.  Go to for more information.

Riding for the Brand

In the old west, "riding for the brand" was a code of loyalty.  Any cowboy would swing a rope, but riding for the brand set you apart.  This week, we begin our Branded series with the title, "Riding for the Brand".  We are going to ask the question, "Whose Brand Are You Wearing?  What is your identity?  What or whom are you living for?  The Branded series is sure to encourage your spiritual growth as a Christian.  So don't miss it and bring a whole bunch of freinds.  

I'll leave you with a quote from Louis L'Amour's, Conagher.  "Tell me something, Chris. Where do you stand? Are you riding with the brand... or are you running scared?"  I hope you are "riding with the brand"!  See you at New Life this Sunday @ the ARC  (10:15 AM).

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I Love America Festival is almost here

I Love America Festival is almost here.  Don't miss out.  Lot's for kids and families!  Lots of music bands!  Plus fireworks.  Sign up for the kids duathlon at or go to Walt's Bike Shop or Tryathletics.

Branded - The Series

Really pumped about the new series coming up at New Life.  We kick it off this Sunday, Jun 6th with a message entitled, "Riding For the Brand".  So I'm scurrying around getting props set and fine tuning the messages.  Stay tuned for more information.  And don't miss this series.  It might change your life.  See you Sunday.  Tom Ragsdell

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Gospel is . . . Good works

Have you ever heard of the "law of Christ".  Paul mentions it in his final chapter to the Galatians.  I wonder what he meant by the phrase?  Was he referring to the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12)?  Or perhaps, Paul was thinking of the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39)?  What do you think Paul meant when he used the phrase "law of Christ"?

Here's what I think.  Paul has been battling opponents who are relying on law observance and teaching the Galatians to do the same.  God's law is good, but Paul is certain that the Law cannot produce life.  Only the gospel of Christ at work in a human heart can produce life.  The context of Paul's statement is "caring for one another."  The "law of Christ" appears to hinge upon you and me "looking out for others."  So it probably is connected to "loving your neighbor as yourself."

Only the Spirit of Christ at work in His church can produce the desire and determination in us to "look out for others".  It's amazing that caring for others is so essential to the Christian faith.  Maybe we short-circuit our faith when we assume it is only a relationship between me and God.

In reality, God wants you and me to form a relationship with him that radically impacts how we treat one another.  Only then can we live as Christians.  God will help us if we will let him.  See you Sunday as we explore the Gospel and good works.  Tom

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Truth Project at New Life

The Truth Project is coming to New Life beginning June 6th.  We are kicking of an awesome small group study called The Truth Project.  The material is put out by Focus On the Family.  If you're interested give us a call at the office -- 443-LIFE to get signed up.

the Gospel is . . . Freedom

Finally . . . my favorite word when it comes to Christianity - freedom.  I know so many people that prize "rugged individualism" but have never really experienced freedom.  We love to talk about freedom, but do we know where it comes from and how we can live with it?  Freedom is so much more than  independence, self-determination, or getting to do things my way.   Freedom is deeply spiritual.

Isn't it amazing that Jesus said, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free."  (John 8:32)  Paul followed up with words to the Galatians on freedom.  He wrote, "It is for freedom that Christ set us free." (5:1)  What did they mean?  What kind of freedom were they talking about?

Freedom is at the heart of the Christian message and the gospel.  Jesus spoke of spiritual or moral freedom when he spoke to his disciples about freedom.  Jesus believed that people are enslaved by what they believe about God, themselves, and the world around them.  He came to set us free from our slavery.

Paul wrote to the Galatians to remind them that true freedom comes, not as we observe external rules and regulations, but as we walk in the presence and power of Jesus.  Paul believed that there is actual power in the teaching of Christ and the grace he offers to us.  I believe it too.

If you want to be free -- free from sinful and destructive behaviors, free from self-loathing, guilt, and shame, free from negative emotions which trap us in the past -- then "stand firm" in the grace of God in Christ Jesus.  True freedom is building a relationship with God which produces peace, power, and potential.

I hope you are enjoying real freedom today.  See you Sunday as we continue our focus on the gospel.  Pastor Tom

I Love America Festival Coming Soon

Check out the 93.9 the Eagle radio ad for I Love America Festival 2010.   This year is going to be better than ever, so make plans now to attend.  Go to for more information.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stress management and Christianity

stressed-out.jpgJust some thoughts about stress management and being a Christian.  Isaiah wrote, "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31)  So why are we so stressed out theses days?  If your stressed, here's two things you can do about it.

#1: Honor the Sabbath.  Jesus made it clear that the Sabbath was established for our benefit.  We need to rest and to worship.  I know far too many Christians that have no idea of how the Sabbath really applies to their modern Christian lives.  Think of it this way the Sabbath rest is your defense against stress.  That's why making it to Sunday gathering or whenever you worship shouldn't be optional.  Sunday worship is an opportunity to honor God, rest, and worship God.  Don't miss out on the rest God wants to provide you on a weekly basis.

#2: Feed on the Word of God.  The Bible is a very special book, the word of God.  The Bible can encourage you when you are discouraged, provide hope, when you are hopeless, and direct you when you feel lost.  So why do so many people turn to therapists (I'm not against good therapists or counselors) or hypnotists (not really in favor of hypnosis) to find relief from their stress?  Why not turn to God's word in  the Bible.

The Bible encourages us to meditate on the word of God.   The word for 'meditate' is like a cow chewing it's cud. We are encouraged to read the word and then think about it over and over again -- that's feeding on the word of God.

#3: Give you situation to the Lord.  Jesus encouraged us to turn to Him with our troubles.  He said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)  Sometimes we just have to accept that we cannot control our lives or the situations in my life.  We need to give it over to the Lord.

I hope that helps if you are feeling stressed today or this week.  Tom Ragsdell

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bill Federer at New Life

Bill Federer, author of the American Minute is coming to New Life Community Church on Sunday, May 30th.  Please join us @ the ARC (1701 W Ash Street) at 10:15 AM for our Sunday gathering.  Bill will be speaking about the importance of America, faith, and freedom.  Bring a friend.

Call 443-LIFE or go to with questions.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

LIFE Groups at New Life

Really looking forward to the LIFE Groups on June 2nd.  Stay tuned for detailed info in the bulletin.  Don't miss this opportunity to get connected.

See you Sunday at New Life.  Pastor Tom

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Gospel is . . . Grace and faith

What is the gospel really?  I know it's good news; but why?  I believe the gospel of Christ Jesus is good news because it releases us from the bondage of "self".   For most people today, "religion" is nothing more than a personally decided upon set of beliefs or philosophies -- that's what you call pluralism.  It's where you take a little bit of this and a little bit of that and "shazam", you've got religion.  It seems good at first, but the problem in the long run is that your religion is no bigger or better than you are??!?!  You become your own means to salvation, enlightenment, or whatever you call it.

The Christian message is different.  There's God and then there's you and me.  We can never measure up--that's the bad news.  The good news is that we don't have to measure up!  God took care of everything when he sent Jesus to take our place and pay our price--that's grace.  God offers you grace and we respond with faith in God's plan.  It's really that simple.  The gospel is good news because it is a relationship of grace and faith.  See you Sunday and bring all your friends.  Pastor Tom

Mothers' Day at New Life

imgres.jpgGreat day at New Life on Mother's day.  Thanks for joining us.  We had a great day celebrating motherhood.  I know there are many categories of "mom" in our world today.  There is the single mom, the stay-at-home mom, the mom who works to keep her family fed, or the mom with a career.  Yes, there are many types of moms, but one characteristic which defines them all is servant.  I think motherhood is one of our greatest examples of a servant.  So today, I want to salute all of the moms who tirelessly serve others.  May the Lord bless you today.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Summer intern at NLCC

Just wanted to get a shout out to all new lifers about our summer intern.  We are really looking forward to Aaron Vanderholen being with us this summer.  Stay tuned for lots of exciting summer activities.  Pastor Tom

The Gospel is . . .

Good news - that's the meaning of the word "gospel".   In the original language it is euangelion which literally means "eu" = good and "angelion" = message.  The early church went everywhere spreading the good news of Christ Jesus.  So what is the good news?  John 3:16 sums it up well, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."  the gospel is centered in the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  It is love, grace, forgiveness, freedom, transformation, and the hope of heaven.

The New Testament uses words such as redemption, sanctification, salvation, sin, and justification to describe the good news of the gospel.  Paul's opening words in his letter to the Galatians makes plain that their is only one gospel.  Any other gospel is a perversion of the truth.  So what is the core message of Christianity and the church?  Join us in May on Sundays @ the ARC as we take a deeper look at the gospel and Paul's letter to the Galatians - It's good news!

Friday, April 30, 2010

Jeremiah - hope and depression

Amazing!  Did you know that the words from Jeremiah 29:11 came from the guy known as the "weeping prophet".  Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah lived in a very difficult period of time.  Jerusalem was sacked, the temple was destroyed, and the people of Judea were being taken away to Babylon.  If anyone ever had reason to be depressed, it was Jeremiah.  But the weeping prophet didn't give up hope.  He remembered the promise of the Lord and delivered a message of hope to hopeless people.  Regardless of your situation today, there is hope when yo turn to the Lord.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Overcoming Depression

You'd think this Sunday would be a downer, but it's not.  I can't wait to see what God is going to do for many people as we discover new ways to overcome depression.  Depression is a common human ailment. We all suffer bouts of depression from time to time; sadness and grief is a part of life.  And yet, for some of us, depression has become a trap of the enemy that is sucking away the good life that God has promised (John 10:10).

I've been researching depression and I want to offer a disclaimer.  There is situational depression and then there is clinical depression.  Although the two may run together or overlap, clinical depression needs the intervention of a doctor and medication.  Of course, God can work a miracle at his choosing.  Most of my comments will refer to situational depression.

The Bible has many examples of depression.  Abraham experienced the sadness of depression (Genesis 15).  Jonah knew what it meant to have a "pity-party" (Jonah 4).  Job experienced some of the greatest grief possible (Job 1-2).  Elijah fell into depression after serving God mightily (1 Kings 19).  And king Saul struggled with bouts of depression (1 Samuel 16:14-23).  The list goes on.  The point is - don't be surprised by depression.  We all face it.  Depression is the result of loss.  When we loose our job, our spouse, or life takes an un-expected turn, the result is often sadness, disappointment, frustration, or intense disillusionment or grief.  The trouble with depression is how it effects our thought life.

For too many people, episodes of situational depression lead to a permanent change in thought patterns.  If you want to check it out, google Aaron Beck and Cognitive Therapy.   Dr. Beck is the father of Cognitive Therapy.  In his view, situational depression can lead to 1) a negative schema of the world, and 2) a cognitive bias.  In other words depression, if not dealt with can lead to a permanent change in the way you look at the world and your thought processes.

If you've ever been depressed for more than a few days, you know what Dr. Beck is talking about.   When a person is going through a bout of depression, the whole world seems negative and the thoughts you begin to rehearse in your mind are negative and often not in the realm of reality.

So what can we do to overcome depression?  Let me offer a couple of thoughts.  The first thing we need to do is willfully think on good things (Philippians 4:8).  We need to remember how God loves us (John 3:16) and has a plan for our lives (Romans 8:28-29).  Secondly, we need to hope in the Lord.  I believe that the opposite of situational depression is hope.  Paul wrote these words, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

Join us Sunday as we discover new ways in Christ Jesus to overcome depression.  See you @ the ARC. Pastor Tom


Monday, April 26, 2010

The Gospel is . . .

Can't wait for the upcoming series called "The Gospel is . . ."  So what is the central message of Christianity?  Is it love, hope, freedom, transformation, or . . .?   If you know it or have some thoughts, shoot me an e-mail or comment on this blog.  The Series kicks off in May.  Don't miss it and bring a friend.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Overcoming Insecurity

We had a great Sunday at New Life.  Not sure how many were present, but we are definitely going to begin setting up more chairs.  Sunday we were focusing on "Overcoming Envy".  I really believe the message "struck a cord" with many new lifers.  If you missed it, you can check the message out on the web page at

Next Sunday we are continuing our series with a message entitled, "Overcoming Insecurity".    Insecurity is a weight around many people's necks which leaves us feeling like we never measure up.  The good news is that in Christ, we are completely secure in our identity as his children.  As we focus more on what God thinks about us and less about that which we or others think about us, we will experience a transformation in our self-esteem.  In christ, our insecurity turns to security.  Join us Sunday as we overcome any sense of insecurity in our lives.  Have a great week.  Pastor Tom

Monday, April 12, 2010

Overcoming Envy

Remember the expression "Green with envy".  I looked up the definition of envy.  It's very close to jealousy.  According to the Oxford American Dictionary, "envy" is a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.  Envy and jealousy both lead to the destructive attitude of covetousness.  The Ten Commandments specifically forbids covetousness because it is a negative emotion that can destroy you.

We've all joked about envy.  Who hasn't driven down the road and glanced at the car or truck driving by and said, "I sure wish I had that truck"?  Unfortunately, envy for some of us is no joke; it's a negative emotion that is controlling our lives.  If we don't overcoming the poison of envy, it will ruin our lives and all of our relationships.

Here's a three step process for overcoming envy - 1. Don't compare yourself to others (Galatians 6:4).  It's foolish to compare; it leaves us prideful or pitiful.  2. Cultivate an attitude of thankfulness.  You are a unique individual.  John Mason once penned, "You were born an original.  Don't die a copy."   Only you can be you and God wants to help you be the best you can be!  3. Celebrate the success of others.  This may seem like an impossible task, especially if things aren't going your way.  The next time you think of some one else's success, congratulate them and rejoice in their success.  Join us Sunday as we look at what the Bible has to say about "Overcoming Envy."  Tom Ragsdell

Friday, April 9, 2010

Overcoming Unforgiveness

I'm really pumped about our current series called "Hell On Earth: Overcoming Negative Emotions."  This week we are taking a look at unforgiveness.  Our God is a God of mercy, but too often we are trapped in the endless cycle of unforgiveness.

There are many dangers to unforgiveness.  Unforgiveness leads to anger, frustration, and bitterness.  It also leaves us full of DISPAIR.  When a person is unable to forgive, they become a victim of their past under the control of other people and external circumstances.  Join us Sunday as we learn how to live with mercy and enjoy the freedom that comes from forgiveness.  Check out the series on the web.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Excitement

Sometimes in life, it's good to pause and give thanks.  This Easter was one of those moments for me.  It was really great to see so many people gathered together and worshipping the Lord at New Life Community Church.  

Just two years ago we would have been hard pressed to find 20 people to worship with us.  Three years ago NLCC was only a dream.  Now look at us!!!  God really does build his church and its a joy to be a part of what God is doing.  Thanks for coming along for the journey and allowing God to change you for His glory.

I really believe the best is yet to come.  Have a great week.  Tom Ragsdell