
Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Truth Project at New Life

The Truth Project is coming to New Life beginning June 6th.  We are kicking of an awesome small group study called The Truth Project.  The material is put out by Focus On the Family.  If you're interested give us a call at the office -- 443-LIFE to get signed up.

the Gospel is . . . Freedom

Finally . . . my favorite word when it comes to Christianity - freedom.  I know so many people that prize "rugged individualism" but have never really experienced freedom.  We love to talk about freedom, but do we know where it comes from and how we can live with it?  Freedom is so much more than  independence, self-determination, or getting to do things my way.   Freedom is deeply spiritual.

Isn't it amazing that Jesus said, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free."  (John 8:32)  Paul followed up with words to the Galatians on freedom.  He wrote, "It is for freedom that Christ set us free." (5:1)  What did they mean?  What kind of freedom were they talking about?

Freedom is at the heart of the Christian message and the gospel.  Jesus spoke of spiritual or moral freedom when he spoke to his disciples about freedom.  Jesus believed that people are enslaved by what they believe about God, themselves, and the world around them.  He came to set us free from our slavery.

Paul wrote to the Galatians to remind them that true freedom comes, not as we observe external rules and regulations, but as we walk in the presence and power of Jesus.  Paul believed that there is actual power in the teaching of Christ and the grace he offers to us.  I believe it too.

If you want to be free -- free from sinful and destructive behaviors, free from self-loathing, guilt, and shame, free from negative emotions which trap us in the past -- then "stand firm" in the grace of God in Christ Jesus.  True freedom is building a relationship with God which produces peace, power, and potential.

I hope you are enjoying real freedom today.  See you Sunday as we continue our focus on the gospel.  Pastor Tom

I Love America Festival Coming Soon

Check out the 93.9 the Eagle radio ad for I Love America Festival 2010.   This year is going to be better than ever, so make plans now to attend.  Go to for more information.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stress management and Christianity

stressed-out.jpgJust some thoughts about stress management and being a Christian.  Isaiah wrote, "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:31)  So why are we so stressed out theses days?  If your stressed, here's two things you can do about it.

#1: Honor the Sabbath.  Jesus made it clear that the Sabbath was established for our benefit.  We need to rest and to worship.  I know far too many Christians that have no idea of how the Sabbath really applies to their modern Christian lives.  Think of it this way the Sabbath rest is your defense against stress.  That's why making it to Sunday gathering or whenever you worship shouldn't be optional.  Sunday worship is an opportunity to honor God, rest, and worship God.  Don't miss out on the rest God wants to provide you on a weekly basis.

#2: Feed on the Word of God.  The Bible is a very special book, the word of God.  The Bible can encourage you when you are discouraged, provide hope, when you are hopeless, and direct you when you feel lost.  So why do so many people turn to therapists (I'm not against good therapists or counselors) or hypnotists (not really in favor of hypnosis) to find relief from their stress?  Why not turn to God's word in  the Bible.

The Bible encourages us to meditate on the word of God.   The word for 'meditate' is like a cow chewing it's cud. We are encouraged to read the word and then think about it over and over again -- that's feeding on the word of God.

#3: Give you situation to the Lord.  Jesus encouraged us to turn to Him with our troubles.  He said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)  Sometimes we just have to accept that we cannot control our lives or the situations in my life.  We need to give it over to the Lord.

I hope that helps if you are feeling stressed today or this week.  Tom Ragsdell

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bill Federer at New Life

Bill Federer, author of the American Minute is coming to New Life Community Church on Sunday, May 30th.  Please join us @ the ARC (1701 W Ash Street) at 10:15 AM for our Sunday gathering.  Bill will be speaking about the importance of America, faith, and freedom.  Bring a friend.

Call 443-LIFE or go to with questions.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

LIFE Groups at New Life

Really looking forward to the LIFE Groups on June 2nd.  Stay tuned for detailed info in the bulletin.  Don't miss this opportunity to get connected.

See you Sunday at New Life.  Pastor Tom

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Gospel is . . . Grace and faith

What is the gospel really?  I know it's good news; but why?  I believe the gospel of Christ Jesus is good news because it releases us from the bondage of "self".   For most people today, "religion" is nothing more than a personally decided upon set of beliefs or philosophies -- that's what you call pluralism.  It's where you take a little bit of this and a little bit of that and "shazam", you've got religion.  It seems good at first, but the problem in the long run is that your religion is no bigger or better than you are??!?!  You become your own means to salvation, enlightenment, or whatever you call it.

The Christian message is different.  There's God and then there's you and me.  We can never measure up--that's the bad news.  The good news is that we don't have to measure up!  God took care of everything when he sent Jesus to take our place and pay our price--that's grace.  God offers you grace and we respond with faith in God's plan.  It's really that simple.  The gospel is good news because it is a relationship of grace and faith.  See you Sunday and bring all your friends.  Pastor Tom

Mothers' Day at New Life

imgres.jpgGreat day at New Life on Mother's day.  Thanks for joining us.  We had a great day celebrating motherhood.  I know there are many categories of "mom" in our world today.  There is the single mom, the stay-at-home mom, the mom who works to keep her family fed, or the mom with a career.  Yes, there are many types of moms, but one characteristic which defines them all is servant.  I think motherhood is one of our greatest examples of a servant.  So today, I want to salute all of the moms who tirelessly serve others.  May the Lord bless you today.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Summer intern at NLCC

Just wanted to get a shout out to all new lifers about our summer intern.  We are really looking forward to Aaron Vanderholen being with us this summer.  Stay tuned for lots of exciting summer activities.  Pastor Tom

The Gospel is . . .

Good news - that's the meaning of the word "gospel".   In the original language it is euangelion which literally means "eu" = good and "angelion" = message.  The early church went everywhere spreading the good news of Christ Jesus.  So what is the good news?  John 3:16 sums it up well, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life."  the gospel is centered in the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus.  It is love, grace, forgiveness, freedom, transformation, and the hope of heaven.

The New Testament uses words such as redemption, sanctification, salvation, sin, and justification to describe the good news of the gospel.  Paul's opening words in his letter to the Galatians makes plain that their is only one gospel.  Any other gospel is a perversion of the truth.  So what is the core message of Christianity and the church?  Join us in May on Sundays @ the ARC as we take a deeper look at the gospel and Paul's letter to the Galatians - It's good news!