
Friday, August 23, 2013

Kingdom, Church, and Relationships

Jesus spoke a lot about God's kingdom.  In Matthew 16, he promised to build his church as a local expression of God's advancing kingdom.  Jesus' promise alone makes the local church eternally important.  Sadly, today even many Christians question the value of local church involvement.  I would be interested in your feedback on why you think the local church is optional for so many Christians today.

Recently, I saw the facebook post of a local youth pastor.  He bemoaned the cry for revival in his church among some of the more "mature".  Asking instead, that people who wanted to "go deeper" just commit to showing up at church services and fulfilling service opportunities.  So, what about you?  Do you believe in your local church enough to show up and serve.

The church is no stronger than the people and relationships made up by the church.   Mark Batterson in Charisma magazine shares a story about "one way missionaries".  Here's a portion of the article - "They bought tickets to the mission field without the return flight.  Instead of suitcases, they packed their belongings in coffins.  A.W. Milne was one of those missionaries.  He set sail for the New Hebrides in the South Pacific, aware that the headhunters there had martyred every missionary before him.  Milne didn’t fear death because his coffin was already packed.  For 35 years he lived among that tribe.  When he died, they buried him in the middle of the village.  On his tombstone was inscribed, “When he came there was no light.  When he left there was no darkness.”

I believe in the local church and I hope you do too.  Let's commit together to build up Christ's church.  See you Sunday!  Pastor Tom

Thursday, August 22, 2013


Looking forward to Kirk Cameron's new movie UNSTOPPABLE.  We will be inviting our small group from New Life to attend this movie on Tuesday evening September 24th.  young adults from New Life are also planning to attend.  I hope you will join us and invite a friend.

The movie is about good overcoming evil and God's grace and purpose in the midst of suffering.

You can learn more about the movie at:

Let us know at the office if you want a ticket.


Friday, August 9, 2013


Have you ever watched the movie, "Fiddler on the Roof".  I remember watching it with my parents as a child. But, it made much more of an impact on me when I served as a missionary in Kiev, Ukraine.  The 1971 musical film was  produced in a village not far from Kiev.  It is a funny and sad story.  Tevye, the father of five daughters, is an orthodox Jew in a Russian Orthodox Christian world experiencing revolution.  Tevye attempts to hold onto traditions in the midst of changing and challenging times.  His daughters, on the other hand, find many of his traditions old fashioned and meaningless.

Traditions?!  Are they good or bad?  Traditions can be both.  In Matthew 15, Jesus is forced to tackle the question of religious traditions.  Some in his day had laid man-made rules and regulations as the foundation of the Jewish faith.  Jesus challenged them to get back to God's truths rather than just "going through the motions" and following human tradition.

I wonder how many religious or family traditions we follow which really have no meaning for us today?  Traditions aren't bad in themselves -- only when they mislead us or loose their meaning do they become useless.

Join us Sunday at the ARC for worship as we consider our traditions and God's truths.  See you there.  Pastor Tom