
Friday, April 30, 2010

Jeremiah - hope and depression

Amazing!  Did you know that the words from Jeremiah 29:11 came from the guy known as the "weeping prophet".  Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  Jeremiah lived in a very difficult period of time.  Jerusalem was sacked, the temple was destroyed, and the people of Judea were being taken away to Babylon.  If anyone ever had reason to be depressed, it was Jeremiah.  But the weeping prophet didn't give up hope.  He remembered the promise of the Lord and delivered a message of hope to hopeless people.  Regardless of your situation today, there is hope when yo turn to the Lord.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Overcoming Depression

You'd think this Sunday would be a downer, but it's not.  I can't wait to see what God is going to do for many people as we discover new ways to overcome depression.  Depression is a common human ailment. We all suffer bouts of depression from time to time; sadness and grief is a part of life.  And yet, for some of us, depression has become a trap of the enemy that is sucking away the good life that God has promised (John 10:10).

I've been researching depression and I want to offer a disclaimer.  There is situational depression and then there is clinical depression.  Although the two may run together or overlap, clinical depression needs the intervention of a doctor and medication.  Of course, God can work a miracle at his choosing.  Most of my comments will refer to situational depression.

The Bible has many examples of depression.  Abraham experienced the sadness of depression (Genesis 15).  Jonah knew what it meant to have a "pity-party" (Jonah 4).  Job experienced some of the greatest grief possible (Job 1-2).  Elijah fell into depression after serving God mightily (1 Kings 19).  And king Saul struggled with bouts of depression (1 Samuel 16:14-23).  The list goes on.  The point is - don't be surprised by depression.  We all face it.  Depression is the result of loss.  When we loose our job, our spouse, or life takes an un-expected turn, the result is often sadness, disappointment, frustration, or intense disillusionment or grief.  The trouble with depression is how it effects our thought life.

For too many people, episodes of situational depression lead to a permanent change in thought patterns.  If you want to check it out, google Aaron Beck and Cognitive Therapy.   Dr. Beck is the father of Cognitive Therapy.  In his view, situational depression can lead to 1) a negative schema of the world, and 2) a cognitive bias.  In other words depression, if not dealt with can lead to a permanent change in the way you look at the world and your thought processes.

If you've ever been depressed for more than a few days, you know what Dr. Beck is talking about.   When a person is going through a bout of depression, the whole world seems negative and the thoughts you begin to rehearse in your mind are negative and often not in the realm of reality.

So what can we do to overcome depression?  Let me offer a couple of thoughts.  The first thing we need to do is willfully think on good things (Philippians 4:8).  We need to remember how God loves us (John 3:16) and has a plan for our lives (Romans 8:28-29).  Secondly, we need to hope in the Lord.  I believe that the opposite of situational depression is hope.  Paul wrote these words, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." (Romans 15:13)

Join us Sunday as we discover new ways in Christ Jesus to overcome depression.  See you @ the ARC. Pastor Tom


Monday, April 26, 2010

The Gospel is . . .

Can't wait for the upcoming series called "The Gospel is . . ."  So what is the central message of Christianity?  Is it love, hope, freedom, transformation, or . . .?   If you know it or have some thoughts, shoot me an e-mail or comment on this blog.  The Series kicks off in May.  Don't miss it and bring a friend.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Overcoming Insecurity

We had a great Sunday at New Life.  Not sure how many were present, but we are definitely going to begin setting up more chairs.  Sunday we were focusing on "Overcoming Envy".  I really believe the message "struck a cord" with many new lifers.  If you missed it, you can check the message out on the web page at

Next Sunday we are continuing our series with a message entitled, "Overcoming Insecurity".    Insecurity is a weight around many people's necks which leaves us feeling like we never measure up.  The good news is that in Christ, we are completely secure in our identity as his children.  As we focus more on what God thinks about us and less about that which we or others think about us, we will experience a transformation in our self-esteem.  In christ, our insecurity turns to security.  Join us Sunday as we overcome any sense of insecurity in our lives.  Have a great week.  Pastor Tom

Monday, April 12, 2010

Overcoming Envy

Remember the expression "Green with envy".  I looked up the definition of envy.  It's very close to jealousy.  According to the Oxford American Dictionary, "envy" is a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck.  Envy and jealousy both lead to the destructive attitude of covetousness.  The Ten Commandments specifically forbids covetousness because it is a negative emotion that can destroy you.

We've all joked about envy.  Who hasn't driven down the road and glanced at the car or truck driving by and said, "I sure wish I had that truck"?  Unfortunately, envy for some of us is no joke; it's a negative emotion that is controlling our lives.  If we don't overcoming the poison of envy, it will ruin our lives and all of our relationships.

Here's a three step process for overcoming envy - 1. Don't compare yourself to others (Galatians 6:4).  It's foolish to compare; it leaves us prideful or pitiful.  2. Cultivate an attitude of thankfulness.  You are a unique individual.  John Mason once penned, "You were born an original.  Don't die a copy."   Only you can be you and God wants to help you be the best you can be!  3. Celebrate the success of others.  This may seem like an impossible task, especially if things aren't going your way.  The next time you think of some one else's success, congratulate them and rejoice in their success.  Join us Sunday as we look at what the Bible has to say about "Overcoming Envy."  Tom Ragsdell

Friday, April 9, 2010

Overcoming Unforgiveness

I'm really pumped about our current series called "Hell On Earth: Overcoming Negative Emotions."  This week we are taking a look at unforgiveness.  Our God is a God of mercy, but too often we are trapped in the endless cycle of unforgiveness.

There are many dangers to unforgiveness.  Unforgiveness leads to anger, frustration, and bitterness.  It also leaves us full of DISPAIR.  When a person is unable to forgive, they become a victim of their past under the control of other people and external circumstances.  Join us Sunday as we learn how to live with mercy and enjoy the freedom that comes from forgiveness.  Check out the series on the web.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Excitement

Sometimes in life, it's good to pause and give thanks.  This Easter was one of those moments for me.  It was really great to see so many people gathered together and worshipping the Lord at New Life Community Church.  

Just two years ago we would have been hard pressed to find 20 people to worship with us.  Three years ago NLCC was only a dream.  Now look at us!!!  God really does build his church and its a joy to be a part of what God is doing.  Thanks for coming along for the journey and allowing God to change you for His glory.

I really believe the best is yet to come.  Have a great week.  Tom Ragsdell

Friday, April 2, 2010

Becoming an Overcomer

This Easter we are kicking off a series called, "Hell on Earth: Overcoming Your Negative Emotions."  I know, the title is kinda' strong, but I think it fits.  Over the last few years, I've met a lot of people who are struggling with negative emotions like, unforgiveness, bitterness, fear and insecurity, depression, and hopelessness.  These negative emotions create a "hell on earth" for many people.  Do you feel trapped by your negative emotions? 

Easter is a great time to kick off this series because Easter Sunday is about the resurrection of Christ Jesus and the power available to us to live a new life.  The Apostle Paul probably said it best in Romans 8:11 with these words, "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you."  

The Bible everywhere encourages us to be overcomers.  Jesus said "In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart, I have overcome the world."  Easter Sunday is a celebration of the "overcoming power of Christ".  Easter brings us great hope.  Don't miss it.  See you Sunday!  Tom Ragsdell

Easter @ New Life

Invite a friend.  Did you know that well over 90% of New Lifers came to our Sunday morning gathering or a small group because some one invited them?  We have a few new lifers who found us on the internet or came as a result of a post card, but most came as a result of an invitation.

Easter is a great Sunday to invite your friends to church.  Who knows?!  They may come it might change their future.  See you Sunday.  Tom Ragsdell

I Love America Festival-update'm excited.  Spirit of '76 Fireworks is joining us for I Love America this year on July 4th.  They will be selling fireworks throughout the day and then provide and 8-10 minute fireworks show at the conclusion of the I Love America Festival.  Make plans now to bring your lawn chairs and stay for the fireworks display!