
Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28 - Genesis 12:1-3

God has a plan for you and your community. God wants to bless you, and through you to bless others.

Puzzles and life

One author said of Russia, "Russia is an enigma within a riddle." That translates something like this: "Russia is hard to understand." Truth be told, I like puzzles. The other night we were over with some friends watching football and I guess my personality got the best of me. Once I got started with the puzzle, I couldn't quit until the puzzle was finished. Puzzles are fun because they challenge you to figure them out.

Maybe that's why I enjoyed my 8+ years living in Kiev, Ukraine and learning the Russian language and culture. There was always something to figure out and you never completely understood everything! Each day brought new riddles to enjoy.

What is it in your life that makes you scratch your head and arouse your curiosity? Rather than ignoring it, why not pursue it? Maybe God has something for you to learn in the midst of your puzzling life?! Puzzles are like life, they help us grow and learn along the way.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25 - Exodus 35:30-35

When God builds something special, he uses all kinds of people. What are you building and with whom are you building? God is building his kingdom and he has given you and me gifts to join him in the building process.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Connecting with God Part 4 - Learning to ask

Can't wait for tomorrow! Tomorrow is Sunday and we are continuing our "Connecting With God" Series. This Sunday will focus on "learning to ask." The Bible everywhere encourages us to approach God with our needs, our concerns, and our crises. James says that "you have not because you ask not." I want to learn to ask! See you tomorrow.

Pastor Tom

January 23 - John 6:9

Isn't it amazing how often God works through us to work his miracles?! What do you have in your hand that God can use to work a miracle?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

January 19 - 2 Timothy 1:6-7

We all have God-given gifts. Too often they are under-developed. Take action to fan into flame the gifts God has given.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Connecting with God Part 3 - Intercession

Learning to pray for others marks an important step in your spiritual journey. God loves interceders-those who intervene on behalf of others. There are many scriptures that speak of interceding, but the one that caught my attention is Ezekiel 22:30 - "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found none."

Ezekiel lived in a dark day historically speaking. The people of God had rebelled and turned from the Lord. The result was judgement at the hands of Israel's enemies. But God did not give up hope, nor did he utterly abandon his people. Instead, he looked for someone who would "stand in the gap."

Learning to pray for others is learning to stand in the gap on behalf of your family, your church, or your community. You haven't really prayed until you have learned to pray for others.

See you Sunday as we continue our "Connecting with God" series on prayer. Tom Ragsdell

January 11- Micah 6:8

Micah 6:8 has become one of my favorite passages in the Bible. Micah makes it so clear -- God wants us to act justly, love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. Have a great day!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Connecting with God Part 2 - Stepping in and Stepping up

Connecting with God through prayer is mostly about building a relationship with God as we meet with God, talk with God, and walk with God. Building a relationship with God is the centerpiece of Christianity. It's why Jesus came; it's the purpose of your existence--to connect with God.

Connecting with God is also about stepping in and stepping up. Prayer is an opportunity to step in. God is all-powerful, and all-knowing, right?!! That means he could do it all by himself. He doesn't really need us to accomplish His will or His plans. But God's economy includes us--you and me! Everywhere in scripture we are encouraged to pray. Your prays matter to God! God has chosen to accomplish His will through us. Prayer is stepping into the battle of your life and God's will.

When we step into the fray, it's our time to step up. Stepping out of the battle never helps you grow. I'm sure you watched the football game last night between Texas and Alabama. I bet Gilbert never imagined he would be playing in the national title game for Texas. But McCoy was hurt and he was asked to step in. When he stepped into battle, it was time to step up. In what are of your life is God asking you to "step in". You can do it through prayer.

This Sunday we are going to be looking at Prayer as a spiritual battle. Paul instructs believers in Ephesians 6, to "put on the full armor of God". One of the ways we can connect with God is by stepping into the spiritual battle of our lives. If we will step in, God will help us to step up so that we can experience the joy of victory.

Join us Sunday as we focus on prayer as a spiritual battle. Pastor Tom

Connecting with God

January 8 - Romans 12:1-2

Transformation is the automatic result of the life presented to God on a daily basis. If you want to experience life-change, present your life to God everyday. He will change your heart and your mind.

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4 - Psalm 110 / 118

The Lord is good! Rejoice and give him thanks. Thank God for your life, your family, and your church family.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3 - Matthew 22:37

Christianity is simple, but not easy. Ask God for help in loving him with all your heart. If you can love God with all your heart, you will be able to love your neighbor also.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2 - Matthew 6:33

Priority = Provision. Make God your number one priority in 2010 and He will provide everything else. No need to worry!

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1 - Luke 11:1-4

Jesus took time to pray. Of all the things which were noteworthy about Jesus, the disciples asked him to teach them to pray. Let's learn to pray in 2010.

Connecting with God

I'm looking forward to our new series entitled, "Connecting With God." January is a month of beginnings. The etymology of the word January is tied to the Roman god, Janus, the god of the doorway. January is the doorway to the new year. As we walk through the door into the new year, let's make "connecting with God" our number one priority.

Prayer is many things, but most importantly it is an opportunity to build a relationship with God. To help you make prayer a priority, we have put together a 31 Days of Prayer calendar. I'll be blogging on a Bible verse for each day, so stay tuned.

Happy New Year. Pastor Tom