
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Valleys and Victory

A couple of weeks ago, we kicked off a new series at New Life called "Victory in the Valley".  I began the series because of the lives which God has allowed New Life to touch over the last few years.  As I thought about each life or family, I realized that each one was facing a valley of some type in their life.  For some, it has been financial bankruptcy, for others serious health issues or the loss of a loved one in a car accident.  We all face valleys.  In those moments of life our faith and trust in God comes into question.  We wonder if God is there or if he really has a plan for me?

Each week we have been looking at stories in the Bible which take place in a valley and provide a promise of victory.  We began with the Shepherd's Psalm.  Psalm 23:4 says, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."

As a shepherd boy, David learned to trust in God as his shepherd even in dark valleys.  Later in life, he would need that trust.  The Shepherd's Psalm reminds us that God can lead us into quiet waters and green pastures even in the midst of a dark valley.

We considered the Valley of Transformation in Ezekiel 37 and learned that God can bring life even to "very dry bones".  If God can do it for his people, Israel, then God can do it for me today!  Last week, we were in the Valley of Redemption (Genesis 14) as Abraham redeem Lot from his status as a POW.

This week, we turn to the story of David and Goliath in the valley of Elah (1 Samuel 17).  We all know the story, it's a valley of victory for David.  He faced his fears with faith and overcame the giant.  If you are in a valley at this time in your life, remember that God can breathe life into your situation and that he is working to redeem your life and redeem others through you.  Ultimately, as children of God, we are victorious, so let's live with victory in the valleys of our lives knowing that God is with us!

See you Sunday at New Life in the Valley of Victory!  Pastor Tom