
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Pray It Forward

In 2014, God did some really great things at New Life and I learned a few lessons along the way.  When 2014 began, we were without a building.  As 2015 begins, we now have a renovated building and a list of new ministry opportunities which we hope to launch very soon.

Most of you probably remember the Pay It forward movement.  If you saw the movie, "Pay It Forward" (2000), then you understand the basic idea -- randomly show three acts of kindness (something a person can't do for themselves) and change the world.  It's a great concept!  

Another great idea has come along -- "Pray It Forward".  If you google that phrase you will notice that the idea has been around for a while.  In fact, pray it forward is a biblical idea.  Remember Joshua and the battle of Jericho?  God promised to give Joshua and the Israelites the city of Jericho.  All they had to do was "pray it forward" by walking around the city seven times on the seventh day.  God gave them the victory before the battle even started.

How about the healing of Naaman (2 Kings 5:1-19).  Remember his story?  Naaman was the captain of the army of Aram (Syrian or Aramean).  He was a warrior, but also leprous.  Although he wasn't an Israelite, he heard about the prophet Elisha from a servant girl.  When he travels to meet with the prophet with hopes of healing, he is disappointed by the prophet's command to wash in the Jordan river seven times.  At first he turns away, but then he "prays it forward" and goes and washes in the river.

What great need do you have that God wants to meet in 2015?  Is it the salvation of your spouse?  Is it the cure of your disease?  Is sit blessing for your children?  Or maybe spiritual and emotional growth in your own life?

What small or great promise has God given you that you are hoping to see fulfilled?  Is it the growth of your church or your career?  Is it the promise of debt-free living or peace in your home?

Over the next few weeks in January, I want to encourage you to -- 1) Identify a specific prayer focus, 2) Commit to memory 1 or 2 Bible verses which back up God's promise to you, and 3) Begin to consistently "Pray it forward".

I know God has some great things in store for 2015.  I believe that every failure in the Christian life is a prayer failure.  If you pray, pray through, and pray it forward, God's plans for your life will be fulfilled.

See you in 2015! Pastor Tom

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Miracle of Christmas

This Sunday, I'm celebrating the miracle of Christmas.  The Bible proclaims the sacred story of God's Son becoming the Savior of the World.  God planned it from before time began, but humanity began to see the salvation of the Lord only as a baby was born in a manger in Bethlehem.

When I think about the miracle of Christmas, I am reminded of two important spiritual truths -- 1) God loves small beginnings, and 2) when God puts into motion a plan or a promise, the promise will be fulfilled.

The miracle of Christmas produced great peace in the hearts of those greeting the baby Jesus for the first time in the Temple of the Lord.  Think of Simeon and Anna as they served faithfully in the Temple waiting for the fulfillment of Old Testament prophesy (Luke 2:21-40).  When Simeon saw, Jesus his heart was filled peace at the sight of the Lord's salvation.  God had a plan and His plan was being fulfilled.  Simeon's heart was at rest (Luke 2:29).

The miracle of Christmas also produces great joy and thanksgiving in the hearts of those awaiting salvation from the Lord.  Anna, like Simeon, was overjoyed when Jesus was presented at the Temple.  She was thankful to see that God's plan of salvation for Israel and the whole world was beginning.

This Christmas, I hope you will celebrate the incredible miracle of Jesus' birth.  It's amazing that God would become a baby to redeem the world and restore us to peace, joy, and love.

It's Christmas . . . Let's celebrate the birth of our Savior.  Spread the word and see you Sunday at New Life!  Pastor Tom

Monday, December 15, 2014

No Christmas?

On a recent trip back from St. Louis, I noticed a sign on the side of the road which challenged people to skip church this Christmas.  The basis of the sign was an imaginary letter from a young girl which reads, "Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is to skip church!  I'm too old for fairy tales."  It was sponsored by the American Atheists National Convention, but, nevertheless, it caused me to think about the meaning and message of Christmas and how the church fits into the Christmas season.  So what if there was no Christmas and no church?

If there was no Christmas, there would be no celebration of Immanuel, God-with-us (Matthew 1:23); no celebration of God dwelling with men (John 1:12).  God would remain nothing more than a mere idea in the hearts of men and women; a distant designer who is indifferent to our trials or triumphs.

If there was no Christmas--no baby Jesus in a manager--then there would, of course, be no Easter.  If no Easter celebration, then no resurrection power or the promise of New Life in Christ!  If there was no Easter, then there is no more promise of "dead to sin and alive to God" (Romans 6).  No hope for heaven, no joy in a transformed life, and no peace with God.  Forgiveness would be nothing more than an empty word without spiritual power and the promise of eternity would only be real in a person's imagination.

If there was no Christmas, there would be no kingdom of God and no local church to proclaim the gospel and live out the compassion of Christ in a local community.  Without the historical reality of Christmas, there is no personal responsibility for sin and no need for salvation.  Without Christmas,  we have no message of hope for a world which is increasingly lost, secular, humanistic, broken, and corrupt.

So what if there was no Christmas?  And what if you and I simply skipped church this year and celebrated Christmas without Christ?  Would the world be a better place?  Would people live in peace in a new enlightened era in which God is a fairy tale and we exist to serve ourselves or worse our governments?  Would corruption cease?  Would humanity save itself?

No . . . I'm convinced that my life, your life, and the world would be a darker place void of God's amazing love, peace in our hearts, joy in our thoughts, and hope for a brighter day ahead.

I'm so grateful for Christmas and the church which is a gift from God to convey God's message of salvation to our local community.

Join with me this Christmas and worship our Savior at a local church.   If you are looking for a place to worship, we welcome you to New Life Community Church this Sunday, December 21st or Christmas Eve, December 24th.  Go to for more information.