
Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Open Range

Last week we kicked off the new series, "Branded" with the title, "The Round up".  Without a doubt, God is "rounding us up" for his purposes and calling us to step up and live higher!  What is God calling you to be or do for Him?  whatever it is I want to encourage you to go for it.  Life is such an adventure when we live with God's purpose for our lives.

This week the series continues with the title, "The Open Range".  For the cowboys of the old west, the open range meant freedom, adventure, and greener pastures.  Fencing and overgrazing eventually brought an end to those days, but the open range can still speak to us about our spiritual journey today.

If you're wearing the Christian brand, then you probably know what it feels like to hit the trail or launch out to discover the open range.  For a Christian the open range symbolizes three important ingredients to the Christ life.

First the open range symbolizes the adventure of your journey with God.  Following Christ is no picnic; it's an adventure into unknown territory.  It requires both courage and faith.  I love the old John Wayne quote on courage "Courage is being scared to death--and saddling up anyway."  Without courage you won't change or even move in God's direction for your life.

Second, the open range symbolizes "freedom".  Cowboys loved the freedom of the open range.  Good news--you are free to serve God however he leads you.  there is no church hierarchy bossing you around telling you what to do.  There is only the Spirit of God leading you to freely love, give, serve, and grow!

The third ingredient is greener pastures.  For most people, "the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."  That's only true because they settled down and fenced themselves in (spiritually speaking).  god wants you to follow him into the green pastures of the open range.  That means we need to be willing to follow him whenever and wherever he leads us.  Are you living in green pastures?  If not, why?  God wants to bless you and provide for your every need.

Join us Sunday as we talk about the open range and what it means to be branded by the Spirit.  See you Sunday @ the ARC.  Pastor Tom

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