
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dancing in the Rain.  I woke up this morning thinking about the tune, "Singing in the Rain".  No it wasn't raining this morning in Columbia.  Remember the 1952 musical, "Singing in the Rain"?  Gene Kelly was the original singer.  At one point in the song, Gene is dancing in the rain with a smile on his face.  I'll come back to "dancing in the rain" in just a minute.  But, first a word about "river dancing".

I wan't to give a shout out to river dancing as a new form of exercise, plus it can lift your spirits.  The other night I noticed that my youngest son, Micah is a river dancer at heart.  So I went online and found some river dancing music.  Wow, what fun!  Micah can really dance.  Here's my suggestion, google "river dancing" and then play the music for around 2-3 minutes.  Dance with the music and try to keep your feet moving the entire time.  I tried it myself and it was a real work out, plus the entire house was in uncontrollable laughter (anyone over 35 should see a doctor before trying this, so take my suggestion at your own risk).

Ok, back to "dancing in the rain".  One of the most important lessons we can learn in life is to dance in the rain; to sing in the midst of the storm.  Most of the people I know are facing some type of struggle or setback in some area of their life.  One area may be going great, while another area is really difficult.  I remember Rick Warren sharing his story of triumph and tragedy concerning his book sales and his wife's struggle with cancer.  About the time his Purpose Driven Life was a best seller, his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer.  What a triumph, what a tragedy-- both were happening at the same time.

That's how I picture the apostle Paul as he writes about joy to the believers in Philippi from prison-the rain is coming down on the outside, but inside he is happy as can be!  He has learned the secret of happiness in the Lord.  He has found contentment in whatever situation he finds himself.  Joy and contentment are great gifts in the midst of life's struggles.  So, if something is getting you down today, take a few moments  and dance or pray and celebrate the good things in your life.  Join us Sunday as we kick off the new series "The Joy of Believing". Pastor Tom

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