
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Greenhouse Effect

I'm excited!  Spiritual growth doesn't happen by accident.  That's why we're launching a new series at NLCC called, "The Greenhouse Effect: Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth".  I'm really looking forward to the series, because I believe spiritual growth is the key to solving most of our problems in life.  Let me say it again another way--if you will include God in the equation of your life, He can help solve a lot of your personal problems.

You might be thinking--why is spiritual growth so important?  I think we in the church have done a really bad job of answering this question.  I think we need to get back to the reality that TRUTH matters especially when it is lived out.  Spiritual growth matters because it can produce in you a truly wonderful life which will bless others as well.  It's like the ripple effect of a pebble in the pond.  You might not think that your life can amount to much.  But, I couldn't disagree more!  When you begin to grow spiritually, not only will you change, but you will begin to impact the lives of others around you, just like a pebble.  That's why spiritual growth is so important because it is the key to saving the planet, not carbon offsets.  So be a pebble!

Here's one more thought.  Our personal problems are why spiritual growth is so important.  Just the other day, I heard about a woman who divorced her husband because she was unhappy and married her high school sweetheart six months later only to discover that he was a real jerk and impossible to live with.   So many of the people I meet with from day to day or hear about on the news are suffering from the same ailment.  They are all looking to circumstances and others for a better life.  This is really timely today as our entire country seems to be looking to the government for a bailout or a promise of prosperity.

I can't promise you that your difficult circumstances will change immediately, but I can promise you that you will change for the better as you turn your life over to the Lord and commit yourself to spiritual growth.  In time many of your circumstances will change!

The first message in the series will be entitled "Inconvenient Truths About Spiritual Growth."  I believe there are many truths about life-change and spiritual growth that we really don't want to face up to, but here is five inconvenient truths to chew on as we look forward to Sunday.

1. Spiritual growth requires a greenhouse
2. Spiritual growth requires a new birth experience
3. Spiritual growth requires child-like faith
4. Spiritual growth requires intentionality
5. Spiritual growth requires selflessness.

Have a great day and see you Sunday! Tom Ragsdell

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