
Tuesday, October 27, 2009


You can't out give God! There are many lessons to be learned in the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand (see John 6), but my favorite lesson comes from the little boy. The boy's presence reminds us that Jesus fed more than 5,000 men that day. Women and children were also present.

We don't know how Andrew found the boy or if the boy perhaps offered his lunch to the disciple (John 6:8). I would like to think that the little boy offered his lunch to Andrew when he overheard Philip's answer to Jesus' question, "Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?" (6:5) I am certain of this: Andrew didn't force the boy to give up his lunch to Jesus.

Children view problems in very simplistic terms. I remember the time I was having a discussion with my wife about some monthly bills. One of my younger children overheard the conversation and quickly offered to use his own money to pay for the bill. He really didn't understand how much the bill cost, but he was willing to help -- in that moment that's all that mattered to him and to me!

I wonder how often we look up to God with the heart of this little boy. We see a problem or a need and say to the Lord, "I don't have much, but here's what I have!" I really think that is the kind of heart that God is looking for in us. He's not waiting for us to solve the problem, he just wants to know if we are willing to help, willing to believe. He will work the miracle with the little we offer him.

Some people miss this, but one of the most amazing parts of this miracle is not the feeding of the 5,000 plus people, but the fact that there were 12 baskets of bread left over. I wonder who they gave the bread to? Remember what Jesus said, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." (6:12)

I think the disciples gave the 12 baskets back to the boy who gave up his lunch. So imagine yourself as the little boy. Your family has been wandering around following Jesus for the day. Mom had put together a lunch for the family that morning. Then a big surprise - you offer the family lunch to Jesus to help feed the crowd. Wow! What a moment! Then comes the bigger surprise. You gave two fish and five loaves of bread but you got back 12 baskets full of food.

What is God asking you to give up to him in your life today? I hope you have the heart of the little boy in John 6. Because you can't out give God. Giving is really not about money at all; it's about your heart. If you give God your heart, you won't have any problem giving him your time, talent, or treasure.

Whatever you give will be blessed and multiplied. This is especially true when we offer our lives to the Lord to serve him and others. Jesus said, "Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap." (Luke 6:38)

I want to encourage you to be like the little boy in John 6. Be a giver and enjoy the blessings of God in your life. See you Sunday. Pastor Tom

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