
Friday, January 31, 2014

Daniel 4

Looking forward to Sunday worship!  This sunday we will peer into Daniel 4 and continue to learn about two ancient characters - Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar.  In Daniel 4, king Nebuchadnezzar has another dream.  This time the dream causes him to be afraid.  The dream is foretold, interrupted, and then fulfilled--all in chapter 4.

The moral of the story focuses on humility, pride, and God's rule in the world today.  Join us for the rest of the story at New Life @ the ARC (10:15 AM)  See you there, Pastor Tom

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Faith in the Fire

This past Sunday, we studied the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3.  It's an inspiring story of courage and faith in the face of certain death.  There are perhaps two unexpected twists to the story.  The first is that Daniel's friends didn't bow.  The second is that they didn't burn!

It was not all that uncommon in those ancient days for rulers to build images or idols to themselves as gods.  The Egyptians worshipped their Pharaohs as gods.  The ancient Japanese had an imperial cult as did the Romans.  Anyways, in those days emperor worship as well as idol worship was common.  For an Israelite, however, this was specifically forbidden (Exodus 20).  Daniel's friends took the commands of scripture seriously.  When faced with the fiery furnace, they refused to bow.  WOW!  This should give us courage and inspire pour faith today.  What are you facing which causes you to want to "turn tail and run" or give in and just "go with the flow"?

Another amazing twist in the story is the "fourth man in the fiery furnace".  The courage and faith of Daniel's friend placed them in the greatest trial of their life.  But, God did not abandon them; he sent a messenger into the fire with them.

It's true, they didn't bow and they didn't burn!  This should inspire us to live with courage and faith.  It can also teach us something really important about faith and God.  Faith isn't trusting in "belief" or positive attitude.  Faith is leaving the outcomes to God and serving him anyways.  I want that kind of faith.

The story also teaches us that God shows up when his children are in the fire.  It's no fun to be in the "fiery furnace" of life.  But, Daniel 3 teaches us that God (like a good earthly father) is drawn to his children when they are facing overwhelming odds.

You might be going through a trial today.  My advice to you is stand up for the Lord be consistent in your faith and courage.  Your faith will draw God's presence and help into your situation.

Have a great week!  Pastor Tom

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Date Night at New Life!

Looking forward to Date Night at New life!  Focus on the Family has put together some great material called "THE DATE NIGHT CHALLENGE".  Reserve the date for March 7-8, 2014.  Register at

Friday, January 10, 2014

A New Anointing

Our annual leadership retreat begins tonight.  This year we titled the retreat, "A New Anointing".  We are asking God to give New Life leaders a new anointing, a new heart and mind, a new ministry, and at least one new person reached for Christ by every leader.

As I was thinking about God's anointing, I remembered David's anointing in 1 Samuel 16.  In 1 Samuel 16, God sends Samuel to the house of Jesse to anoint a new king over Israel.  Here's a few leadership lessons from this story.

1. Leaders have to forget the past and get going with the future.  God is ready to anoint a new king and Samuel is still grieving over Saul.  If I want to experience God's anointing for ministry, I need to be living in the present with a focus on the future.  Are you focused on the past, the present, or the future?

2. Leaders must have the "right stuff" in their hearts.  1 Samuel 16:7 reminds us that God isn't impressed by outward appearance, he looks at our hearts.  Remember the movie, Captain America.  Why was he chosen?  He had a kind heart!  I loved that about that movie.  God looks at our heart.  Matthew 5:8 says, "The pure in heart shall see God."  What about your heart?  Do you have the "right stuff"?

3. Leaders are often prepared / trained in "small beginnings".  David became a great king, but he began as a shepherd boy out in the field.  As a shepherd, David learned of God's faithfulness.  Plus he learned to be faithful and to gain confidence and courage in God's provision.  Is God preparing you for something bigger by training you in "small beginnings".

4. God's anointing brings the presence of the Holy Spirit.  In church ministry, you can do everything right and still not much happens.  Why?  Because it takes a move of God's Spirit to transform a heart or restore a family to God.  The truly important things in a person's life can't be changed without God's Spirit at work.  Are you asking God for a new anointing?

I'm looking forward to a new anointing in 2014.  I need God's presence to empower me and to direct me.  Through him, I can do all things (Philippians 4:13)!  Without Him, I can do nothing (John 15:5)!  See you tonight or see you Sunday!  Pastor Tom